These docs are for v2023.2. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.1.

Clock sales Supply

Supported scenarios

  • Sync clock supply lines;
  • Get clock supply lines;
  • Get auction status.

Sync Clock supply lines

Sync Clock sales supply lines added or changed in Floriday from Floriday in supplier application.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of batches;
  • The user has inserted fulfillment orders based on auction delivery orders;
  • Floriday has allocated clock sales supply lines to the auction sales channel.

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Clock supply is retrieved from auction sales channel in Floriday.
3Process the retrieved clock supply-llines in the supplier application with their unique supply line ID. The supply lines will be added or updated in the supplier application.
The supply lines are a basis to create and process sales orders.
Sync clock supply-lines with limit, startdate/time, enddate/time and latest sequence number.

Get Clock supply-lines

Get Clock sales supply-lines added or changed in Floriday from Floriday in supplier application.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of batches;
  • The user has inserted fulfillment orders based on auction delivery orders;
  • Floriday has allocated clock sales supply-lines to the auction sales channel.

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Clock supply is retrieved from auction sales channel in Floriday.
Once-onlyGet all clock sales supply lines with a limit.GetClockSupplyLines
2Receive clock sales supply lines based on ID.GetClockSupplyLineById
3Process the retrieved clock supply-llines in the supplier application with their unique supply line ID. The supply-lines will be added or updated in the supplier application.
The supply-lines are a basis to create and process sales orders.
Sync clock supply-lines with limit, startdate/time, enddate/time and latest sequence number.

Get Auction status

Get the auction status of the clock supply lines from Floriday in the supplier application.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of batches;
  • The user has inserted fulfillment orders based on auction delivery orders;
  • Floriday has allocated clock sales supply lines to the auction sales channel;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of clock supply lines.

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Get auction status within a timeframe.GetClockSupplyLines
2Process retrieved auction status in the supplier application with their unique supplylineID.