These docs are for v2023.2. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.1.

Continuous stock

Supported scenarios

  • Get continuous stock;
  • Toggle continuous stock.

For the business rules concerning continuous stock, please read Continuous stock.

Get Continuous Stock

Get and synchronize Continuous-stock of a trade-item from Floriday in supplier application.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade-items;
  • The user has inserted or changed its current continuous stock availability in Floriday.

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Get current continuous stock availability of trade items with or without excluded customers.GetContinuousStock
2The retrieved continuous stock is processed in the supplier application.

Toggle Continuous Stock

Set Continuous-stock of a trade-item on available or non-available in Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade-items;
  • The user has inserted or changed its current continuous stock availability in the supplier application.

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Toggle current availability (true or false) of an existing trade item with an unique tradeItemId with or without excluded customers.EditContinuousStock
The continuous stock of the trade-item is set to available(true) or not available(false) in Floriday.


Not available for excluded customers

The availability for continuous stock can be set on unavailable for specific customers by adding them to 'excluded customers'.