These docs are for v2023.2. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.1.

Direct sales Catalog Supply

Supported scenarios

  • Sync Supply lines;
  • Create Weekly Base Supply;
  • Update Weekly Base Supply;
  • Delete Weekly Supply lines.

For the business rules concerning catalog supply, please read Direct sales Catalog Supply.

Sync Supply-lines

Sync (weekly) Supply-lines from Floriday in supplier application.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of continuous stock;
  • The user has inserted weekly (base) supply with or without one or more specific customer organizations in Floriday;

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Get highest generated sequence number.GetSupplyLinesMaxSequence
1Sync supply lines with limit and latest sequence number. Supply has supply type 'catalog price'.GetSupplyLinesBySequenceNumber
2Process the retrieved weekly supply-lines in the supplier application with their unique supply line ID. The supply lines will be added, updated or deleted in the supplier application.
The supply lines are a basis to create and process sales orders.

Receive Supply lines

Sync (weekly) Supply-lines from Floriday in supplier application.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of continuous stock;
  • The user has inserted weekly (base) supply with or without one or more specific customer organizations in Floriday.

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1 AReturns supply lines created within the given timeframe.

rate limit: 3.4 per second - burst limit: 1000
1 BReturns a supply line based on ID.GetSupplyLineById
2Process the retrieved weekly supply lines in the supplier application with their unique supply line ID. The supply lines will be added, updated or deleted in the supplier application.
The supply lines are a basis to create and process sales orders.

Update Weekly Base Supply

Update week base supply based on continuous stock in Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of continuous stock;
  • The weekly supply is not 'fixed' for sales within the channel. Exemption for patching number of pieces;
  • The user has inserted one or more price groups conditions for one or multiple groups of customer;organizations (price groups) for direct sales in Floriday;
  • The user has updated direct sales weekly base price for his continuous stock in the supplier application;

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1AUpdate weekly base price, weeknumber and an indicative available weekly quantity for the trade item.EditWeeklyBaseSupply
1BPatch number of pieces of an existing base supply.SetWeeklyBaseSupplyNumberOfPieces
Weekly Supply lines will be updated in Floriday based on price conditions and delivery conditions.
2Weekly Supply lines will be updated in the Customer channels.
3Weekly supply lines can be retrieved by the Customer organizations from the Customer channel.

Delete Weekly Supply-lines

Delete weekly supply lines based on continuous stock in Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of continuous stock;
  • The supplier application has weekly supply-lines;
  • The supplier has deleted weekly supply in the supplier application;
  • The weekly supply is not 'fixed' for sales within the channel.

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Delete weekly supply line.DeleteWeeklySupplyLines
Weekly Supply lines will be deleted in Floriday.
2Weekly Supply lines will be deleted in the Customer channels.
3Weekly supply lines can no longer be retrieved by the Customer organizations from the Customer channel.

Interaction model weekly supply-lines

  • Sync Supply lines;
  • Create Weekly Supply lines;
  • Update Weekly Supply lines;
  • Delete Weekly Supply lines .

Create Weekly Supply-lines

Create weekly supply lines based on continuous stock in Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of continuous stock;
  • The user has inserted his prices with indicative available quantity for a week in the supplier application.

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Create specific week price, weeknumber and indicative available weekly quantity for the trade item with customer organizations for customer specific supply.AddWeeklySupplyLine
Weekly Supply lines will be created in Floriday based on price conditions and delivery conditions.
2Weekly Supply lines will be allocated in the Customer channels.
3Weekly supply lines can be retrieved by the Customer organizations from the Customer channel.

Update Weekly Supply-lines

Update weekly supply-lines based on continuous stock in Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of continuous stock;
  • The weekly supply is not 'fixed' for sales within the channel;
  • The user has inserted and updated his prices with indicative available quantity for a week in the supplier application.

Process steps:

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Update specific week price, weeknumber and indicative weekly available quantity for the trade item with customer organizations for customer specific supplyEditWeeklySupplyLine
Weekly Supply lines will be updated in Floriday based on price conditions and delivery conditions.
2Weekly Supply lines will be updated in the Customer channels.
3Weekly supply lines can be retrieved by the Customer organizations from the Customer channel.