These docs are for v2023.2. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.1.

Delivery conditions sets

Supported scenarios

  • Receive delivery condition sets;
  • Sync delivery condition sets;

For the business rules concerning delivery conditions, please read Business Rules - Delivery conditions.

Sync Delivery Conditions sets


Get the information of the supplier organization delivery conditions.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations.
  • The supplier application has the latest update of warehouses.
  • The user has added delivery condition sets applicable for its warehouse(s) in the Floriday application with or without customers organizations for direct sales.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1 AReturns the maximum sequence number found in Delivery condition sets.GetDeliveryConditionSetsMaxSequence
1 BReturn a list of max 100 delivery condition sets starting from a specified sequence number.GetDeliveryConditionSetsBySequenceNumber
2The retrieved delivery condition sets will be added, updated or deleted in the supplier application.

Get Delivery Conditions sets


Get the information of the supplier organization delivery conditions.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations.
  • The supplier application has the latest update of warehouses.
  • The user has added delivery condition sets applicable for its warehouse(s) in the Floriday application with or without customers organizations for direct sales.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1 AGet delivery condition sets with delivery conditions for warehouse locations.GetDeliveryConditionSets
1 BGet delivery condition sets with delivery conditions for warehouse locations based on ID.GetDeliveryConditionSetById
2The retrieved delivery condition sets will be added, updated or deleted in the supplier application.