Additional services
Supported scenarios
- Sync Additional services.
- Get Additional services.
For the business rules concerning additional services, please read Business Rules - Additional services.
Sync vs Get
This page describes how to utilize both the Sync and non-sync Get endpoints. We strongly recommend using the Sync endpoints whenever possible.
Read the Best Practices for more information.
Sync Additional services
Sync additional services data of the supplier organization.
- The user has inserted one or more warehouse(s) in the Floriday application;
- The user has inserted one or more additional service(s) in the Floriday application.
Process Steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Retrieve commercial service types. | GetCommercialServiceTypes |
2 | The retrieved commercial service types will be added or updated in the supplier application. | |
3 | Get highest max sequencenumber found in additional services. | GetAdditionalServicesMaxSequence |
4 | Sync additional services | GetAdditionalServiceBySequenceNumber |
5 | The retrieved additional services with additional service details will be added or updated in the supplier application with a reference to the corresponding warehouse(s). |
Get Additional services
Get additional services data of the supplier organization.
- The user has inserted one or more warehouse(s) in the Floriday application;
- The user has inserted one or more additional service(s) in the Floriday application.
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Retrieve commercial service types. | GetCommercialServiceTypes |
2 | The retrieved commercial service types will be added or updated in the supplier application. | |
3A | Get additional services. | GetAdditionalServices |
3B | Get additional service by ID. | GetAdditionalServiceById |
4 | The retrieved additional services with additional service details will be added or updated in the supplier application with a reference to the corresponding warehouse(s). |
Updated 4 months ago