Direct sales Customer Offer
Target audience
- Supplier organizations;
- Customer organizations.
- Enables creating, updating and deleting customer offers by Supplier organizations;
- Enables getting customer offer supply-lines for placing purchase orders or sales orders by Customer organizations.
For Business Rules and differences between different supply types please refer to Supply type overview.
Customer offers:
- Are primarily intended for offers based on an supply request from the customer (with an agreement reference)
- Can also be used for offers to customers without offer requests (without an agreement reference).
- Only Customer offers can be used for creating 'purchase tips'.
- There is currently no versioning for updated customer offers.
- Only customer specific.
- Prices and availability may be changed.
- Limited: Quantity is maximum available quantity for the given period.
- Limited: On this quantity the ordered sales order quantity can never be more than the available quantity.
- Can be based on an offer request with an agreement reference. If this is case, the agreement reference should be in the Customer offer.
Volume prices
- Customer offer volume discount pricing enables volume discounts for order quantities starting from a single package, layer or loadcarrier;
- Volume discount prices can only be added to supply lines of the type customerOffer;
- Three volume price options can be entered by suppliers:
- PACKAGE price = The PACKAGE price will always be the same as the default PricePerPiece in the SupplyLine;
- LAYER price = PricePerPiece for a sales order with an order quantity of at least one layer;
- LOAD_CARRIER price = PricePerPiece for a sales order with an order quantity of at least one load carrier;
- PACKAGE price is always filled by default, LAYER and LOAD_CARRIER prices are optional;
- Because layer price and load carrier price are both optional, it is possible that:
- Only a PACKAGE and LAYER price is specified;
- Only a PACKAGE and LOAD_CARRIER price is specified;
- All three options are specified;
- Within the volume options only one unit quantity is supported (1 load carrier, 1 layer), not multiple unit quantities(e.g. 4 load carriers, 2 layers);
- When placing a sales order, the used ordered quantity and price are validated with the volume discount pricing in the customer offer: a lower price can not be used with an order quantity for the volume discount price;
- This is done per salesOrder, not for the total quantity per delivery moment;
- There is currently no validation on commercially logic price tiers e.g. a load carrier price can be higher than a package price;
- Floriday validates on a per salesOrder basis whether entries have been submitted for the correct (minimal) price:
- Only from an order quantity of at least a layer, an order with a layer price will be accepted instead of a higher package price;
- Only from an order quantity of at least a load carrier, an order with a load carrier price will be accepted instead of the more expensive packaging or layer prices;
- Lower volume prices for LAYER or LOAD_CARRIER will be accepted if it meets the right quantities, but the higher PACKAGE price will still be accepted as well;
- It could therefore happen that a buyer sends in a higher PACKAGE price while ordering a complete load carrier and therefore paying more than actually necessary;
- Volume price unit quantities can differ from the required order unit quantity (salesUnit) but both can be used by the grower in the customer offer. Validation on order unit quantity (salesUnit) precedes validation on volume price unit quantity.
- It could happen that a supply line has a volume price for PACKAGE and LAYER but the salesUnit is LOAD_CARRIER, in that case only a sales order with one or more full load carriers will be accepted for the LAYER price;
- Transport/delivery costs and volume pricing can both be applicable;
- In the main 2022v1 no volume discount prices are supported, the given price per piece is applicable.
Purchase tip
Suppliers can create a short term customer offer which the Floriday channel will translate to a 'purchase tip' for customers with a customer notification.
Business Rules (which can dynamically change):
- Maximum tradeperiod: 3 hours
- Maximum customers: 1
- Customer channels: Floriday
A regular customer offer will be send to the customers in the channels FloraXchange and Floriday if the customer offer does not meet the purchase offer business rules.
Checking direct sales supply in Floriday 'Supply Overview'
Users and developers can check created, updated and deleted direct sales supply in the Floriday application.
Checking direct sales supply in Floriday 'My Shop'
Users and developers can check direct sales supply in the Floriday application in 'My Shop' as it will be shown to the customers.
Implementation model
Interaction model
Updated 5 months ago