Sales order correction requests
Target audience
- Customer organizations
- Supplier organizations
- Enables after sales corrections of sales orders by customer and supplier organizations.
Use the application
Please use the Floriday modules sales orders for supplier organizations and purchase orders for customer organizations for a better understanding of the workflow and functions.
- Sales order correction requests can be initiated by the Customer or the Supplier.
- All corrections require a response by the other party ( Supplier or Customer ) to accept or reject the correction, except when both the sales order and correction are initiated by the Supplier, in which case no correction response is required unless a customer setting prevents this ( see next rule ).
- A Customer has the option to enable or prevent automatic acceptance of sales order corrections initiated by the Supplier. The settings are Supplier-specific. Without a setting, the default business rules apply ( see previous rule ).
- Sales order correction request can either be a modification or a cancellation.
- Sales order correction requests can have a deadline, set with the expiresAtDateTime property.
- The following can be modified with a sales order correction request: pricePerPiece, packageTypeCode, numberOfPieces, piecesPerPackage and Incoterm.
- Additional information is advised: reason and contact person.
- The following correction statuses are available.
PENDING: request is pending approval of the counterparty.
ACCEPTED: pending request is accepted by the counterparty.
DECLINED: pending request is declined by the counterparty.
DELETED: pending request is deleted by the request initiating party.
EXPIRED: pending request is expired. If there is no response before the 'expiresAtDateTime'.
COMMITTED: approved request is processed in the sales order. - Digital complaint handling is foreseen in the future for support in handling of disputes. Currently this process is supported by the RFH complaint handling department (ORA).
For the latest additional Business Rules we refer to our Floriday Helpcenter
Implementation model
Interaction model
Updated 5 months ago