Advanced shipping notices
Supported Advanced shipping Notices scenarios
- Receiving Advanced shipping notices;
- Confirming fulfillment order as received.
For the business rules concerning Advanced Shipping Notices, please read Advanced Shipping Notice.
Receiving Advanced shipping notices
Receiving advanced shipping notices from deliveries created by suppliers on Floriday.
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Returns list of all active Advanced shipping notices by delivery date. | GetAdvanceShippingNoticesByDeliveryDate |
2 | Returns list of all active Advanced shipping notices by salesOrderId. | GetAdvanceShippingNoticesBySalesOrderId |
3 | Returns the maximum sequence number found in Advanced shipping notices. | GetAdvanceShippingNoticesMaxSequence |
4 | Returns a list of max 1000 Advanced shipping notices starting from a specified sequence number. | GetAdvanceShippingNoticesBySequenceNumber |
Confirming fulfillment order as received.
Confirming a fulfillment order by setting it on Received.
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Sets the fulfillment order load carriers on Received based on the documentReference . | SetFulfillmentOrderLoadCarriersReceived |
Updated 4 months ago