Place sales orders on Supply-lines
Target audience
- Customer organizations
- Supplier organizations
- Enable placing sales orders by customer and supplier organisations based on supply-lines and creating direct sales sales orders.
- Floriday automatically accepts or rejects Sales order requests initiated by the customer or supplier on behalf of the supplier by checking supply availability, matching sales order and supply conditions and availability and payment security.
- Floriday receives accepted sales order by auction channels RFH, VRM and Plantion.
- Floriday provides sales orders with statuses for purchase and sales overviews.
Use the application
Please use the Floriday application for direct sales and sales orders for supplier organizations and purchase directly and purchase orders for customer organizations for a better understanding of the workflow and functions.
Placing Sales orders on supply-lines:
- Can be placed on supply-lines by supplier and customer organizations;
- Can be cancelled by customer organizations;
- Can be corrected by a sales order correction requests by customer and supplier organizations;
- Contains:
- Supply line Id with supply-line;
- Customer organization;
- Number of pieces;
- Price per piece of the supply-line;
- Customer order reference;
- **One or more selected additional services (optional) based on the additional services of the specified warehouse in the supply-line;
- **Selected packing configuration based on the specified packing confugration(s) in the supply-line or in the trade-item if no packing configurations exist in the supply-line;
- Delivery details based on the delivery conditions of the specified warehouse in the supply-line
- Delivery condition Id (optional);
- Latest delivery date time;
- Region GLN;
- Location GLN or address: Specific delivery location within the region (region GLN);
- Incoterm: DDP, EXW, DAP, FCA, FOB;
- Next Leg Identifier (optional): Usually end customer location for grouping delivery orders on end customer level by suppliers;
- Payment provider: Needs to exist with the Supplier organization:
RFH: Royal FloraHolland;
VRM: Auction Rhein Maas;
PLANTION Plantion; - Delivery remarks (option) can be added with fulfilment instructions for the supplier organization;
- Purchasing agent/Created by user (option) with first and last name of the user who created the sales order;
- sendEKT (option) can be used by the supplier organization on request of the customer organization if no Customer API is used;
- If automatic acceptance of sales order placed by supplier organizations in customer organization trade settings is implemented, Floriday will default start with current business rules and enable Customer organizations to set automated acceptance of Supplier order entry with exemptions for their counterparties;
- Are automatically accepted, or rejected by Floriday on behalf of the Supplier based on sales order validations. Including if the customer organizations accepts order entry by customer organizations;
- As a guidance the Floriday acceptance of the sales order should take no longer than 500ms;
- If accepted Sales orders are added with the status 'accepted';
- If rejected Sales orders are rejected with the status 'rejected'.
Sales orders cancellation (requests):
- Enable cancellation of sales orders by customer organisations;
- Can only be placed by customer organizations within the cancellation deadline specified in the sales order.;
- After the cancellation deadline has passed the sales order gets the status 'committed' and can only cancelled with a sales order correction request;
- Contains a sales order Id;
- If accepted the sales order is cancelled with the status 'cancelled';
- If rejected the sales order is is not cancelled.
Cancellation of Sales orders
The cancellation period is added by the sales channel in the sales orders as a 'cancellation deadline'. During the cancellation period, customers can cancel their sales order with the status Accepted via the sales channel. After the cancellation period the sales order status is Committed and cannot be cancelled. Once a sales order is placed in the sales channel the following cancellation periods are applicable:
- FloraMondo: Maximum of 5 minutes.
- FloraXchange: Maximum of 30 minutes or if agreed between Customer and Supplier until the latest order date/time of the corresponding delivery window.
After a successful cancellation of the sales order, the sales order gets the status Cancelled.
Implementation model

Interaction model Place Sales orders on Supply-lines by Customer

Interaction model Place Sales orders on Supply-lines by Supplier

Updated almost 3 years ago