Catalog supply
Supported scenarios
Use Weekly Base Supply, which creates supply lines based on pre-entered price groups that are created in the Floriday application.
- Weekly Base Supply
- Create Weekly Base Supply;
- Get Weekly Base Supply Lines;
- Toggle Trade item availabilities;
- Sync availabilities;
- Get availaibilites.
Use Weekly Supply lines, which creates customer specific supply lines and are created entirely in the Supplier application.
- Weekly Supply lines
- Add Weekly Supply lines;
- Edit Weekly Supply lines;
- Delete Weekly Supply lines.
- Toggle Trade item availabilities;
- Sync availabilities
- Get availaibilites
For the Business rules concerning Catalog supply and the difference between both methods of creating Catalog Supply, please read Business Rules - Catalog Supply.
Sync vs Get
This page describes how to utilize both the Sync and non-sync Get endpoints. We strongly recommend using the Sync endpoints whenever possible.
Read the Best Practices for more information.
Important developments - Adjustable weekly prices
Weekly base supply is characterized by the fact that prices are fixed for the next week, once prices are entered after Thursday at 10:00 AM CET.
We are planning to change the way Weekly base Supply works starting October 1st 2024. From then, it will be possible to change the prices of Weekly Base supply once every 24 hours.
Read the news article regarding Adjustable weekly prices for more information.
Weekly Base Supply
Create Weekly Base Supply
Creating weekly base supply for a specific period (year/week).
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The user has created one or more Customer specific price groups, containing at least one customer Organization for Direct Sales in the Floriday application;
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1A | Adds Weekly base supply for the entered tradeItemId, including availability, a base price for price calculation, an indicative quantity and the weekly trade period. | EditWeeklyBaseSupply |
Weekly Base Supply will be updated in Floriday based on price conditions and delivery conditions. | ||
2 | Weekly Base Supply will be updated in the Customer channels. | |
3 | Weekly Base supply can be retrieved by the Customer organizations from the Customer channel. |
Get Weekly Base Supply
To retrieve existing weekly base supply from a specific period (year/week).
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The user has created one or more price groups, containing at least one customer Organization for Direct Sales in the Floriday application;
- The user has created Weekly base supply for at least one trade item by setting the number of pieces and price, in a specific week and year.
- Weekly base supply may be created in either the Floriday application or the supplier application.

An example of how the Weekly base supply is displayed in the Floriday application
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Returns Weekly base supply created within the given year and week. | GetWeeklyBaseSupplies |
2 | Process the retrieved Weekly base supply in the supplier application. Base supply is shown per tradeItemId. The base supply will be added, updated or deleted in the supplier application. |
Update Weekly Base Supply
Update the number of pieces, set a warehouse or toggle the availability of existing weekly base supply, based on tradeItemId.
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The supplier application has the latest update of warehouses.
- The user has created Weekly base supply for at least one trade item.
- The supplier application has the latest update of Weekly base supply;
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1A | Update the number of pieces of an existing Weekly base supply. | SetWeeklyBaseSupplyNumberOfPieces |
1B | Set a warehouse for an existing Weekly base supply. | SetTradeItemWarehouse |
Setting a warehouse for a trade item
Optionally, a user may set a warehouse for a trade item used in Catalog supply. Setting a warehouse indicates that this trade item is offered from a specific warehouse.
Since Delivery conditions apply to warehouses as well, a user may appoint specific delivery conditions to a specific trade item in Catalog supply this way. This means that products that are sold from warehouse A can have different delivery conditions than products sold from warehouse B.
Toggle Trade item availabilities
To set trade items used in Catalog supply to available or unavailable and optionally creating exceptions for customer Organizations.
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The supplier application has the latest update of warehouses.
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Toggle the availability of a trade item. Optionally add customerOrganizationIds as an exception. For instance, if a trade item is available, it will be unavailable for the added customerOrganizations and vice versa. | EditContinuousStock |
Sync trade item availabilities
To sync the availabilities of trade items used in Catalog supply.
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The supplier application has the latest update of warehouses.
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Get highest generated sequence number. | GetTradeItemAvailabilitiesMaxSequence |
1 | Sync trade item availabilities with limit and latest sequence number. | GetTradeItemAvailabilitiesBySequenceNumber |
2 | Process the retrieved trade item availabilites in the supplier application on a tradeItemId basis. The trade item availabilities will be updated in the supplier application. |
Get trade item availabilities
To retrieve the availabilities of trade items used in Catalog supply.
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The supplier application has the latest update of warehouses.
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1A | Get trade item availabilities of all trade items in Catalog Supply. | GetTradeItemAvailabilities |
2 | Process the retrieved trade item availabilites in the supplier application on a tradeItemId basis. The trade item availabilities will be updated in the supplier application. |
Weekly Supply lines
Add Weekly Supply lines
To add new weekly supply lines for trade items.
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The supplier application has weekly supply-lines;
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Create customer specific supply lines for a trade item in a specific week, including prices, indicative available quantity, sales unit and included services (Transport and Sticker costs). | AddWeeklySupplyLine |
Weekly Supply lines will be created in Floriday based on delivery conditions. | ||
2 | Weekly Supply lines will be allocated in the Customer channels. | |
3 | Weekly supply lines can be retrieved by Customer organizations from the Customer channel. |
Update Weekly Supply lines
To update existing Weekly supply lines in Floriday, based on supplyLineId
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The user has created Weekly supply lines in the supplier application.
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Update the price, number of pieces and/or Sales unit of an existing Weekly supply line. | EditWeeklySupplyLine |
Weekly Supply lines will be updated in Floriday based delivery conditions. | ||
2 | Weekly Supply lines will be updated in the Customer channels. | |
3 | Weekly supply lines can be retrieved by Customer organizations from the Customer channel. |
Delete Weekly Supply lines
Delete existing weekly supply lines in Floriday, based on supplyLineId
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The user has created Weekly supply lines in the supplier application.
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Delete an existing Weekly Supply line, based on supplyLineId. | DeleteWeeklySupplyLines |
Weekly Supply lines will be deleted in Floriady. | ||
2 | Weekly Supply lines will be deleted in the Customer channels. | |
3 | Weekly supply lines can no longer be retrieved by Customer organizations from the Customer channel. |
Toggle Trade item availabilities
To set trade items used in Weekly Supply lines to available or unavailable and optionally creating exceptions for customer Organizations.
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The supplier application has the latest update of warehouses.
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Toggle the availability of a trade item. Optionally add customerOrganizationIds as an exception. For instance, if a trade item is available, it will be unavailable for the added customerOrganizations and vice versa. | EditContinuousStock |
Sync trade item availabilities
To sync the availabilities of trade items used in Weekly Supply lines.
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The supplier application has the latest update of warehouses.
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1 | Get highest generated sequence number. | GetTradeItemAvailabilitiesMaxSequence |
1 | Sync trade item availabilities with limit and latest sequence number. | GetTradeItemAvailabilitiesBySequenceNumber |
2 | Process the retrieved trade item availabilites in the supplier application on a tradeItemId basis. The trade item availabilities will be updated in the supplier application. |
Get trade item availabilities
To retrieve the availabilities of trade items used in Weekly Supply lines.
- The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
- The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
- The supplier application has the latest update of warehouses.
Process steps
NR | Process step | API call / scenario |
1A | Get trade item availabilities of all trade items in Weekly Supply lines. | GetTradeItemAvailabilities |
2 | Process the retrieved trade item availabilites in the supplier application on a tradeItemId basis. The trade item availabilities will be updated in the supplier application. |
Updated 6 months ago