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Trade items

Supported Trade-item scenarios

  • Sync Trade items
  • Create trade items
  • Delete trade items
  • Update trade items
  • Change trade items

For the business rules concerning Trade items, please read Business Rules - Trade items.

Sync Trade items


Synchronise trade items from Floriday to the supplier application.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations.
  • The supplier application has the latest update of custom packages.
  • The supplier application has the latest update of base items.
  • The user has inserted trade items in the Floriday catalog.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Retrieve changed trade items since last sequence number. Repeat step until all trade items are synchronised.GetTradeItemsBySequenceNumber
2Get highest generated sequence number.GetTradeItemsMaxSequence
3Process the retrieved trade items from Floriday with their unique tradeItemId, tradeItemVersion and trade-item details including one or more imageURLs.

The trade items will be added, updated or deleted in the supplier application.

Create Trade items


Creating new trade items in the supplier application and adding them to Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations.
  • The supplier application has the latest update of custom packages.
  • The supplier application has the latest update of base items.
  • The user has inserted a trade item in the supplier application.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Create one or more images.AddImage
2Create a new trade item with a unique tradeItemId and trade item details including one or more imageURLs.AddTradeItem
The new trade item is validated by Floriday and will be added to the Supplier organization catalog in Floriday.
3The new trade item will be added to the Supplier organization catalog in the Customer channel if hiddenfromcustomer is false.
4The new trade item can be retrieved by the Customer organization from the Customer channel.

Delete Trade items


(Soft) Deleting trade items in Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The user is deleting a trade item in the supplier application.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Soft delete an existing trade item with a unique tradeItemId.DeleteTradeItem
The trade item will be soft deleted from the Supplier organization catalog in Floriday.
2The trade item will be soft deleted from the Supplier organization catalog in the Customer channel if hiddenFromCustomer is false.
3The trade item will be soft deleted by the Customer channel for the Customer oranization.

Update Trade items


Updating trade items in Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of custom packages;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of base items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The user has updated the trade item in the supplier application.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Update a trade item based on its unique `tradeItemId.EditTradeItem
The trade item will be updated in the Supplier organization catalog in Floriday and get a new tradeItemVersion.
2The trade item will be updated from the Supplier organization catalog to the Customer channel if hiddenFromCustomer is false.
3The trade item will be updated in the Customer channel for the Customer organization.

Interaction model Trade item variants

In the next section we will discuss Trade item variants. These are variations on existing trade items. See the Interaction model below for a detailed illustration on how trade item variants work.

For the business rules concerning Trade item variants, please read Business Rules - Trade item variants.

Supported Trade item scenarios:

  • Create trade item variants;
  • Update trade item variants.

Create Trade item variants


Create new trade item variants in Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of custom packages;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of base items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The user has inserted a trade item variants in the supplier application with different product characteristics and/or country of origin.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Create a new trade item variant with a unique tradeItemId with different product characteristics and reference to the parentId.AddTradeItemVariant
The new trade item variant is validated by Floriday and will be added to the Supplier organization catalog in Floriday as a new trade item with a unique tradeItemId. The trade item variant will have a reference to the parentId with a unique supplierArticleCode containing the parent supplierArticleCode +'additional string'. The parent Trade item is updated with isParentForVariant is true.
Get and process created trade item variant with unique tradeItemId, tradeItemVersion, supplierArticleCode and trade item details.GetTradeItemById
3The new trade item variant will be added as a new trade item to the Supplier organization catalog in the Customer channel if hiddenFromCustomer is false.
4The new trade item can be retrieved by the Customer organization from the Customer channel.

Update Trade item variants


Updating trade item variants in Floriday.


  • The supplier application has the latest update of organizations;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of custom packages;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of base items;
  • The supplier application has the latest update of trade items;
  • The user has updated the trade item variant characteristics and/or country of origin in the supplier application.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Update a trade item variant based on its unique tradeItemId.EditTradeItemVariant
The trade item variant will be updated in the Supplier organization catalog in Floriday and get a new tradeItemVersion.
2The trade item will be updated from the Supplier organization catalog to the Customer channel if hiddenFromCustomer is false.
3The trade item will be updated in the Customer channel for the Customer organization.