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Delivery conditions

Supported delivery conditions scenarios

  • Receiving delivery condition sets.

For the business rules concerning delivery conditions, please read Delivery conditions.


Sync vs Get

This page describes how to utilize both the Sync and non-sync Get endpoints. We strongly recommend using the Sync endpoints whenever possible.

Read the Best Practices for more information.

Syncing delivery condition sets


To synchronize delivery condition set information from suppliers on Floriday.

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Returns the maximum sequence number found in delivery condition sets.GetDeliveryConditionDetailsMaxSequence
2Returns a list of max 1000 delivery conditions starting from a specified sequence number.GetDeliveryConditionSetsBySequenceNumber
3The retrieved delivery condition sets will be added or updated in the customer application.

Receiving delivery conditions


To return a delivery condition set by deliveryConditionSetId.

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Returns a delivery condition set by ID.GetDeliveryConditionDetailsById
2The retrieved delivery condition sets will be added or updated in the customer application.