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Sales orders

Supported sales orders scenarios

  • Placing sales orders
  • Cancelling sales orders
  • Receive sales orders

Placing sales orders

Add direct sales sales orders in Floriday trading agent.


  • Customer has up to date supply lines
  • Information in a sales order meets all the criteria:
    • Price should match with supply;
    • Delivery period should match with DeliveryPeriod in supply;
    • Order period should match with OrderPeriod in supply;
    • Packing configuration should exist in the right SupplyLine or TradeItem;
    • Delivery location should be a valid LocationGLN;
    • Delivery date should match with DeliveryConditions of supplier.

NRProces stepsAPI call / scenario
1Creates a new sales order.AddSalesOrder

Cancelling sales orders

Cancelling direct sales sales orders in Floriday trading agent.


  • Sales order does not have the status 'Committed'.

NRProces stepsAPI call / scenario
1Cancel a sales order before the cancellation deadline.SetSalesOrderCanceled

Receiving sales orders

Receiving placed direct sales sales orders in Floriday trading agent.


  • Sales order must be placed on Floriday.

NRProces stepsAPI call / scenario
1Returns a list of sales orders.GetSalesOrders
2Returns a list of sales orders by ID.GetSalesOrderById
3Receive sales order by id and version.GetSalesOrderByIdAndVersion
4AReturns the maximum sequence number found in sales orders.GetSalesOrdersMaxSequence
4BReceive sales orders based on the provided sequence number.GetSalesOrdersBySequenceNumber
5Receive the RFH delivery notes of the given sales order based on the fulfillment orders. Will return multiple delivery notes if the sales order is divided into multiple loadCarriers.GetSalesOrderDeliveryNotesById
6Receive invoice lines by sales order ID.GetInvoiceLinesBySalesOrderId

NR 5 is a temporary endpoint which will become obsolete if the Advanced shipping notes endpoints will be implemented.

NEW: Adding Additional Sticker Service to existing sales order

For the business rules concerning stickers, please read Stickers via Floriday.


  • Adding an additional service of type sticker to an existing sales order;
  • Placed Additional Sticker service will be matched by Floriday with existing addtional sticker services from supplier;
  • Succesfully adding an additional sticker service will result in a new sticker object with an optional PDF.


  • Sales order must be placed on Floriday;
  • Is linked to a salesOrder that has a latestOrderDateTime based on the delivery conditions of the supplier.

NRProcess stepsAPI call / scenario
1Adds an additional service of type sticker to an existing sales order.AddSalesOrderAdditionalStickerService
2Floriday matches additional services with existing additional services from supplier and adds the matched additional service to the sales order.
3After successfully matching the additional service, a new customer sticker object will be created by Floriday and linked to the corresponding sales order.