Release notes - Suppliers API
This page will show the changes made in the suppliers API version 2024v2.
New changes are added at the top of the page and include a summary of the modified models. A summary of all model changes can be found here.
TradeItem - Seller Organization ID
A new property, sellerOrganizationId
, has been added to the TradeItem and TradeItemSummary models. This property contains the supplierOrganizationId
and is intended for future developments where a distinct seller organization may be specified.
Affected models:
SalesOrder - Assign Additional Services
A new endpoint has been introduced to add additional services to a sales order as a supplier. You can only add or remove additional services that have a price of 0. Additional services of type LABELS
that have been added by the customer can't be removed.
Affected endpoints:
Affected models:
FulfillmentOrder - Assign Missing Carrier Organization
A new endpoint has been introduced to assign a carrierOrganizationId
to a FulfillmentOrder, applicable only when the carrierOrganizationId
has not been previously set.
Affected endpoints:
CustomPackage - Additional Floricode Vrs packaging ID
A new optional field, floricodeVrsPackagingId
, has been added to the CustomPackage model. This field provides the Floricode VRS packaging ID associated with the custom package.
Affected models:
Warehouse and DeliveryLocation - Name
Added new property name
to DeliveryLocation.
Added a fallback to name
in Warehouse and DeliveryLocation and use the Floricode name.
Affected models:
Customer offers
The customer offer models are now available in the API, starting with a sync endpoint. The model represents the customer offers as available within the Floriday portal, with the CustomerOffer as head model and CustomerOfferLine as representive directly connected to a SupplyLine.
Affected models:
SalesOrder - RFH Pay Later
Added RFH Pay Later as a new option in Floriday. This will result in a new paymentprovider value. The SalesOrder has a new property isPaid
to indicate the order has been paid by the customer.
Royal Floraholland introduces a new payment method RFH Pay Later in a trial setup. Royal FloraHolland payment provider determines the buyer possibility for RFH Pay Later or E-wallet only, which can be selected by Royal FloraHolland predetermined suppliers in Floriday. In Floriday the supplier pre-selects the prefered Pay Later options for their buyers. The buyer can select the new payment method with the sales order.
PaymentProviderCreate - Remove option E-wallet and Pay Later
While creating a new model with a payment provider property, it will no longer be neccesarry to set the RFH_E_WALLET or RFH_AFTERPAY option. Floriday will determine which payment provider will be used.
Affected enums:
Affected models:
Payment provider - Pay Later
The payment provider enums have been extended with a new value RFH_AFTERPAY
Royal Floraholland introduces a new payment method RFH Pay Later in a trial setup. Royal FloraHolland payment provider determines the buyer possibility for RFH Pay Later or E-wallet only, which can be selected by Royal FloraHolland predetermined suppliers in Floriday. In Floriday the supplier pre-selects the prefered Pay Later options for their buyers. The buyer can select the new payment method with the sales order.
Affected enums:
LoadCarrierType - New types
As part of the development process, new load carrier types have been added to the LoadCarrierType enum. These values are not yet actively used within Floriday.
Affected enums:
SalesOrderRequest - Minimum Length Requirement for Nullable Properties
A minimum length of 1 has been added to nullable properties in the SalesOrderRequest model. These properties must either be null or contain at least one character/item, preventing the use of empty strings or empty lists.
Affected models:
Clock Presales Supply - Price Per Piece as Decimal
The property type for pricePerPiece
in the EditClockPresalesSupplyLine model has been changed from a double to a single decimal.
Affected models:
SalesOrder - Associate Additional Service with Customer Sticker
An optional property, stickerId
, has been added to OrderedAdditionalService to associate the AdditionalService in a SalesOrder with the corresponding CustomerSticker.
Affected models:
AddSalesOrderCorrectionRequest - Expires At DateTime
You can now optionally set the expiresAtDateTime
when creating a new correction request with the AddSalesOrderCorrectionRequest endpoint.
Affected models:
Clock Delivery Order - Minimum Price Requirement
It is now mandatory to provide the clockMinimumPrice
when creating a new clock delivery order using the AddClockDeliveryOrder endpoint.
Affected models:
SalesOrder - Batch Reference
A new optional property, batchReference
, has been added to the SalesOrder model.
The batch reference will be set after the fulfillment request has been created and linked to a batch.
Affected models:
ContractPeriodKind - Half year and year
New enum values HALF_YEAR
and YEAR
have been added to the ContractPeriodKind enum.
Affected enums:
BatchMutation - CreationDateTime
The property addedOn
has been renamed to creationDateTime
to align with naming conventions used in other models.
Affected models:
CustomerSticker - CreationDateTime
A new property, creationDateTime
, has been added to the CustomerSticker model.
Affected models:
Warehouse - Non-Nullable Properties
Several properties in the Warehouse model, which were previously nullable, have been updated to non-nullable. These properties no longer return null values as this hasn't been the case for some time.
Affected models:
Organization - Non-Nullable Properties
Several properties in the Organization model, which were previously nullable, have been updated to non-nullable. These properties no longer return null values as this hasn't been the case for some time.
Affected models:
Batch Base Supply
The BatchBaseSupply lines are now accessible via the API. These lines can be retrieved using an endpoint that accepts a specific moment in time, allowing users to view which lines are available for ordering at that time. The returned models include details about the base supply as well as the associated price group prices.
Affected models:
Batch - Non-Nullable Properties
Several properties in the Batch model, which were previously nullable, have been updated to non-nullable. These properties no longer return null values as this hasn't been the case for some time.
Affected models:
TradeItem - Additional Floricode Vrs packaging ID's
A new optional field, additionalPackagingInformationFloricodeVrsPackagingIds
, has been added to the TradeItem model. This field provides the Floricode VRS packaging ID's associated with the trade item.
Affected models:
PackingConfiguration - Floricode Vrs Packaging ID
A new optional field, floricodeVrsPackagingId
, has been added to the PackingConfigration model. This field provides the Floricode VRS packaging ID associated with the packing configuration.
Affected models:
AddSalesOrderCorrectionRequest and SalesOrderCorrectionRequest - ShouldReturnPackages
A new property, shouldReturnPackages
, has been added to both the AddSalesOrderCorrectionRequest and SalesOrderCorrectionRequest models. This property indicates whether the customer will return the packages or keep them when submitting a cancellation request. The option is relevant due to the deposit associated with the packages.
Affected models:
Clock Strategy - AddClockSupplyLines
A new endpoint, AddClockSupplyLines, has been introduced to define the clock strategy for a supplier. This endpoint allows suppliers to set up their auction clock strategies, which may include optional presales.
Additionally, photos are now specified using a photoId
rather than a URL, establishing this as the new standard for uploading media.
TODO: Add more information about the clock strategy.
Affected routes:
Affected models:
Updated 4 months ago