Error codes
This section provides additional information on Error codes, what caused them and how to solve them
Error codes are shown in the following format:

More information about this format can be found here:
Below is a list of error codes you may encounter when using the Floriday API.
Proxy error codes
Validation error 400
A Validation error with a 400 status code indicates the server couldn't process the request due to a client error. For instance, a mandatory field was given an incorrect value type or wasn't given a value at all. Please check if the value was entered (correctly).
Invalid enum value 400
An Invalid enum value with a 400 status code indicates that an enum value was used incorrectly. See the exception message for more information.
Forbidden 403
A Forbidden 403 error indicates that you either do not have permission to perform the request or that incorrect or insufficient scopes have been added to the request.
Internal server error 500
An Internal server error with a 500 status code indicates that an error has occurred in one of our services. Please contact the appropriate channels to notify us of this error.
Gateway time out 504
A Gateway time out error with a 504 status code indicates that the action has taken too long to complete. The default time out limit is 30 seconds.
Not implemented 501
A Not implemented error with a 501 status code indicates that the server does not (yet) support the functionality required to fulfill the request. Please contact us when you receive this error code. We aim to add all the required functionalities as soon as possible.
Unknown error 500
An Unknown error with a 500 status code indicates that an exception message for this error has not been defined yet.
Domain error codes
The id used when creating a new entity has already been used. Please generate a different unique identifier.
The referenced entity does not exist. Validate if the id that was used is correct. It is possible that the entity has been deleted and is not available within the chosen endpoint.
You are trying to use, edit or delete an entity that has already been deleted.
The entity is in a status that can no longer be modified. See the exception message for more information.
The price you entered is invalid. Please choose a different value.
The location cannot be used within this specific message. It may be possible that the location has expired. See the exception message for more information.
The package code you entered could not be found. Please enter a valid package code.
The requested correction or cancellation is invalid. See the exception message for more information.
The organization cannot be used within this specific message. It may be possible that the organization either does not exist, is invalid, has no RFH number, has the wrong organization type and/or has expired. See the exception message for more information.
The additional service you entered is invalid. Please enter a correct value.
You are trying to complete an action for an entity with an incorrect owner. Please use the correct owner.
The action could not be completed because of the current status of the entity. See the exception message for more information.
The deadline you entered is not valid. See the exception message for more information.
The action could not be completed because the deadline of the action has expired. See the exception message for more information.
The currency you entered is not equal to the currency of the entity. Please enter the correct currency.
The email address you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid email address.
The number of pieces you entered is invalid. See the exception message for more information.
The trade instrument you entered is incorrect. Please use a valid trade instrument.
The payment provider you entered does not match with organizations, the currency is invalid or the payment provider cannot be used with this action. See the exception message for more information.
You have attempted this action too many times in the given period. See the exception for when you can attempt the action again.
The action cannot be completed due to a trade setting of the other party. Please contact the other organization for more information.
The Incoterm you entered is invalid. Please use a valid Incoterm that corresponds with the delivery location.
The request contains a list with duplicate values or id's.
The request contains a warehouse reference that does not exist or is either deleted or owned by a different organization.
The request contains an invalid image url.
The image must be uploaded to Floriday and the url must be in the following format:{id}.jpg
The request contains a time period with an expired date or a start date after the end date.
The request attempts to modify the customer-specific data, which is not allowed.
The request contains a trade-item reference that is either deleted, owned by a different organization, contains invalid data or does not exist.
The request contains a VBN product code reference that does not exist or is expired.
The request contains a VBN package code reference that does not exist or is expired.
The request contains a custom package reference that is either deleted, owned by a different organization, contains invalid data or does not exist.
The order was placed on supply which has already been sold out.
The number of pieces you entered is insufficient. See the exception message for more information.
The order was placed on supply of which the trade period hasn't started yet. Please try again once the trade period has started.
The order was placed on supply where the trade period has already expired.
The order was placed with a date and time before the delivery period has started. Please use a correct date and time within the delivery period.
The order was placed with a date and time after the delivery period has ended. Please use a correct date and time within the delivery period.
The selected delivery date time is no longer possible. See the exception for more information.
The number of pieces is not divisible by the amount of pieces in the sales unit.
The selected delivery location GLN either does not exist or has expired. Please use a valid delivery location GLN.
The request contains a packing configuration reference that does not match the referenced object.
The entered load carrier code is either not known at Floricode or is not numeric.
There is no file linked to this object.
PDF is not in a valid format.
It is not allowed to have a threshold on both price and minimal number of load carriers.
You either tried to copy a FloraXchange supply request with more than one supplier or copy a supply request while an associated trade item request has the status Pending or Rejected.
One or more of the specified parameters are incorrect. See the exception message for more information.
The URL you entered is invalid, please consult the Swagger for the correct URL.
The request was blocked due to the Trade settings of the target organization. See the exception message for more information.
The request tried to modify a state to or from customer specific, which is not allowed. See the exception message for more information.
The request contains a list with duplicate values or id's.
The wallet of the customer organization does not contain sufficient funds to accept the request.
The requested entity for this batch does not exist.
The countdown method used is not available for the chosen type of supply. See the exception message for more information.
At least one of the filter options must be provided. See the exception message for more information.
The provided image URL is not valid. See the exception message for more information.
The provided season photo does not have a season period.
The request contains a supply line reference that is either deleted, owned by a different organization, contains invalid data or does not exist. See the exception message for more information.
The request contains supply that originates from a closed weeklist, prices and number of pieces can't be changed for this supply.
Access denied due to an authorization error. See the exception message for more information.
The batch is not registered (yet). See the exception message for more information.
The photos you entered are invalid. See the exception message for more information.
You are trying to add a file to an entity that already has a file.
The PDF has an incorrect number of pages.
The entered date is invalid. See the exception message for more information.
The request is invalid, e.g. the sales order status is incorrect, the sales order is not accessible for this organization or the sales order does not exist.
The request does not contain a reason for the correction request.
Updated about 1 month ago