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Supply type overview

Catalog Supply

Trade instrument Direct Sales
Supply type Catalog price
AKA Weekly supply
Link Direct sales Catalog Supply
Sales channels - Floriday

- FloraXchange
Availability based on Current trade item availabilities
'Purchase tip' rules (can change dynamically) Not supported
Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Floriday application Supported with Weekly base supply
Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Supplier application Supported with Weekly-supply-lines
Supply can be allocated to Specific customers in a network only
Pricing period Weekly Catalog prices, but can change once every 24 hours on a per tradeItem basis
Forward (future) pricing and orders Forward customer specific pricing after the current week is possible, even if current trade item availability is toggled to unavailable.
Forward orders based on forward prices are supported.
Pricing rules - NEW: Prices in the current week can be updated, on a per tradeItem basis, once every 24 hours

- In general, the weekly prices are fixed on Thursday 10am (UTC+1) in the current week, until the end of next week
- Before Thursday 10am in the current week both prices and supply may be updated, after 10am in the current week, prices can only be updated every 24 hours
- After Thursday 10am only new weekly supply may be added.
Additional delivery pricing (delivery conditions) Supported
- Currently only supported in Floriday Customer channel
Additional services (pricing) Supported
- Currently only supported in Floriday Customer channel
Quantity rules - Available quantity is indicative on a weekly basis.

- The ordered sales order quantity can exceed the indicative available quantity.
- Available quantity can be updated by the supplier.
Packing configurations All packing configurations of the Trade item are applicable.
Custom packages Supported
- Currently only supported in Floriday Customer channel

Batch Supply

Trade instrument Direct sales
Supply type Batch price
AKA Daily Supply
Link Direct sales batch supply
Sales channels- FloraXchange

- FloraMondo
- Floriday
Availability based on Batch available quantity for a period
'Purchase tip' rules (can change dynamically) Not supported
Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Floriday application Supported with Base supply
Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Supplier application Supported with Supply-lines
Supply can be allocated to General and specific customers
Pricing period Specific period
Forward (future) pricing and orders Currently not supported
Pricing rules Prices may be changed (By setting supply unavailable and creating new supply)
Additional delivery pricing (delivery conditions) Supported
- Currently only supported in Floriday Customer channel
Additional services (pricing) Supported
- Currently only supported in Floriday Customer channel
Quantity rules - Available quantity is the maximum amount available for the given period.

- The ordered sales order quantity can never exceed the available quantity.
- Available quantity can be corrected by the supplier.
Packing configurations - The default packing configuration of the batch is applicable if no packing configuration(s) are added in the supply-line.

- If packing configurations are added in the supply-line then these will be applicable and overrule the default packing configuration of the batch. The packing configurations in the supply-line needs to exist in the trade-item.
Custom packages Supported
- Currently only supported in Floriday Customer channel

Customer Offer

Trade instrumentDirect sales
Supply typeCustomer offer
LinkDirect sales customer offer
Sales channels- Floriday

- FloraXchange
Availability based on- Unlimited quantity, availability is based on availability set in Catalog Supply or:

- Limited quantity of supply that is set for supply lines in the offer. When supply of a supply line reaches zero, the supply line will become unavailable.
'Purchase tip' rules (can change dynamically)Supported
- Maximum of 1 specific customer
- Maximum availability of 3 hours
- Currently only in Floriday channel
**Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Floriday applicationCurrently not supported
Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Supplier applicationSupported with customer offers
Supply can be allocated toOne or more specific customers.
Pricing periodSpecific period
Forward (future) pricing and ordersForward customer specific pricing for a future period is possible. Forward orders based on forward prices are supported.
Pricing rulesPrices may be changed.
Additional delivery pricing (delivery conditions)Supported
- Currently only supported in Floriday Customer channel
Additional services (pricing)Supported
- Currently only supported in Floriday Customer channel
Quantity rules There are 2 options, in both cases the ordered sales order quantity can never exceed the available quantity. Available quantity may be updated by the supplier.
- Unlimited quantity, availability is based on availability set in Catalog Supply.
- Limited quantity of supply that is set for supply line(s) in the offer. When supply of a supply line reaches zero, the supply line will become unavailable.
Packing configurations The default packing configurations of the trade-item are applicable. If packing configurations are added in the customer offer then these will be applicable.

When no packing configuration is selected, then all packing configurations are available for use.
Custom packages Supported
- Currently only supported in Floriday Customer channel

Clock sales Supply

Trade instrumentClock sales
Supply typeNot applicable
AKAAuction sales
Sales channels- RFH auction channels (Dutch: KOA or Kopen Op Afstand)
Availability based onBatch available quantity based on an auction delivery.
'Purchase tip' rules (can change dynamically)Not applicable
Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Floriday applicationNot applicable
Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Supplier applicationNot applicable
Supply can be allocated toAuction location
Pricing periodDuring auction
Forward (future) pricing and ordersNot applicable
Pricing rulesNot applicable
Additional delivery pricing (delivery conditions)Not supported
Additional services (pricing)Not supported
Quantity rules- Available quantity is the maximum available amount for the given auction date.

- The ordered (bid) sales order quantity can never exceed the available quantity.
Packing configurations- By default, the packing configuration(s) of the trade item are applicable.

- Only one packing configuration may be used.
- A packing configuration may be added when creating the Clock sales Supply.
Custom packagesNot supported

Clock pre sales Supply

Trade instrumentClock pre sales
Supply typeNot applicable
AKAAuction pre sales
Sales channels- FloraMondo
Availability based onA percentage of available quantity of potential Clock sales supply.
'Purchase tip' rules (can change dynamically)Not supported
Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Floriday applicationSupported with pre-set prices and clock pre sales percentages.
Customer specific pricegroups & availability filters in Supplier applicationSupported with Auction Delivery orders for prices only.
Supply can be allocated toAuction location
Pricing periodSpecific period
Forward (future) pricing and ordersNot applicable
Pricing rulesPrices may be changed. After the first sales order in FloraMondo, prices may only be altered upwards.
Additional delivery pricing (delivery conditions)Not supported
Additional services (pricing)Not supported
Quantity rulesAvailable quantity is the maximum available amount for the given period.
The ordered sales order quantity can never exceed the available quantity.
Packing configurations- By default, the packing configuration(s) of the trade item are applicable.

- One packing configuration is used, which is based on the packing configuration used in the Clock sales Supply.
- A packing configuration may be added when creating the Clock sales Supply.
Custom packagesNot supported