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Supported scenarios

  • Sync Organizations
  • Get Organization

For the business rules concerning organizations, please read Business Rules - Organizations.


Sync vs Get

This page describes how to utilize both the Sync and non-sync Get endpoints. Use the Sync endpoints whenever possible. Only use the non-sync Get endpoints to restore missing data or to fetch specific data based on specified filter options.

Read the Best Practices for more information.

Sync Organizations


Sync the information of organizations that are registered in Floriday.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1Returns the maximum sequence number found in organizations.GetOrganizationsMaxSequence
2Sync all organizations with a result limit.GetOrganizationsBySequenceNumber
3The retrieved organizations will be added or updated in the supplier application.
Determine the latest sequence number in the supplier application and repeat second step.

Get Organizations


Get the information of an organization that is registered in Floriday.

Process steps

NRProcess stepAPI call / scenario
1AGet organization details with Floriday organization idGetOrganizationById
1BGet organization details with GLN idGetOrganizationByCompanyGln
2The retrieved organization details will be added or updated in the supplier application.